Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bonus Challenge for VMAA

Julie's TV show pick is "Friends" and the challenge was to make a humorous friends card. So I don't know that mine is humorous, some might think its mean, but its all I could come up with given my stamps. This might mean I need some new stamps...hmmm...


Anonymous said...

LOL. I *like* it. :) Thanks for playing Amy!

freshaircrafting said...

I get it! So true!

Pamela said...

Very funny!!!

Victoria said...


Anonymous said...

ROTFLMBO!!! Well, I think it's FUNNY! And, I LOVE funny! We need more funny in the world! *wink*

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! And so sadly true, at least when we're young.

Great, fun card!