Friday, March 20, 2009


Wow I am behind in posting stuff! I was supposed to make Amuse calendars for Christmas gifts-key words being "supposed to"-and didn't get them done in time. I just recently finished them. Here is pictures of the outside of them and also a picture of what my March page inside looks like. While I had my Zutter out I made a little notebook to carry in my purse where I can write down the names of books I read about or someone recommends so that when I'm at the library or bookstore I will actually remember the names of them. I used the books stamps from Amuse for this one. The other notebook I made at the request of a friend. She was getting ready to buy her daughter a charm bracelet and her first charm. She wants to take a picture of the charms as she buys them, put the picture in the book and then write a note to her daughter to tell her why she bought her that specific charm. Isn't that such a clever idea? I might have to "borrow" that from her once Annika gets older.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hero Mail

Geeta had a challenge on her blog to make some cards for Operation Hero Mail which sends cards to our troops serving overseas. I made her about 25 cards, all the same so it was easy to mass produce. Of course a card seems like such a small token when you think of our brave men and women who put their life on the line for our freedom. To our servicemen and women--You are my Hero!